Hiring The Right Team For Your Fitness Studio

Published by James Scurr on

Hiring The Right Team For Your Fitness Studio

No matter whether this is your first time hiring team members or you’re a seasoned pro, getting the right people in the right roles is going to set your business up for success. When building your team you want to make sure that you are not only hiring people who are qualified for the role, but that also align with the values of your business.

When it comes to fitness based businesses, there can be little to differentiate your studio from the one down the road, so what your team brings to the table can have a big impact on member attraction and retention. In addition to this, it is important to ensure that you are creating a well-rounded team, so that you can offer you members as much value as possible!

Firstly, you need to think about what you need out of your employee. Are they going to be working as an instructor, in an administration role, or a mixture of both? Are you looking to fill a vacancy left by another team member, who may have taught specialty classes? Or are you looking to bring someone new into the team to accommodate your growing member base?

No matter the reason, it is important to take some time and think about what skills this person will need to not just fill the role, but excel in it. Having a clear vision of this will help you make good choices in the hiring process.

Another important consideration is your company culture. Whilst this buzzword is used quite liberally by businesses today, it does play an important role in your team dynamic. Whether you run a serious studio or a laid back workplace will help determine the kind of people you want on your team, and finding someone that can get behind your business’s vision will make them a dedicated employee.

Secondly, you need to identify what your members need out of an employee. Do they need someone with particular skills or qualifications? Or someone who is good at motivating them and driving results? Ensure that you check in with your members to see what type of person would help make your fitness business even better, and what would help them achieve their goals.

Whilst the hiring process might seem like just one step of many in setting up, or growing your fitness based business, hiring the right team for your fitness club can help you build a successful and thriving business!